Friday, September 2, 2022

 Intelligent Design  8-1-22


In trying to write this essay on Intelligent Design I find to my wonderment that this topic is so hard to adequately explain.  It is because I feel I am understating the strength of my conviction of God’s hand in creation.  The more I think, I keep adding factors for my belief, but still feel I fall short. 

I have been exposed for years to the struggles scholars of religion and science have between each other.  They mock each other.  One problem is that neither side is an expert on such a broad topic.  Many religious scholars have very little exposure to science and scientists often have no exposure to religion.  Even when they do have learning in the opposing areas, in this day of specialist they are hardly broadly knowledgeable.  Hence, I find they spend a lot of time quoting others.  I also am far from expert, and so fall in line with those I am criticizing.  However, sitting on the fence is cowardly.  I studied, trying to be independent and to create an unbiased approach, without getting caught up in controversies or opinionated advocacy.  I don’t think this is contrary to my love and passion for science, but openly recognizes what science reveals and doesn’t reveal.  Likewise, I tried to be open about what the Bible says and means, intimately to me.  Studying has been a very solitary activity for me and I keep everything to myself.  This makes it hard to be bold and not be intimidated by the opinions of others.  It is scary to think for yourself in contrast to the experts of science and the Bible.  I fear being called stupid or even worse, a heretic.  In spite of this I will try.  I believe in God as creator, over the views of science and even differ with some of the Bible scholars.


Intelligent Design emphasizes the concept that creation displays design that requires intelligence.  Humans understand this easily because we created a more comfortable world that is designed by our superior human intelligence.   Intelligent Design is a term that relates to my belief in God as the “starter”, the designer, and the creator.  It is related to the idea that Man discovers and the nature of what we discover is seemingly designed and intelligent.  Creation is beyond our intellect in many ways and it is reasonable to conclude everything is made by something much smarter than us.  That is God to me.  That is what I consider a valid, reasonable belief.  I have many strong, reasonable, and compelling reasons that help me feel enthusiastic and convinced of God’s hand in my existence.  

ABIOGENESES (making life from inanimate matter) -

It is reasonable to examine the creation of Life as a first revelation of God’s power of creation.  I’ve read for years of the attempts by science to come up with ideas of how life could happen.  Making amino acids using lightning is not even close to making DNA (the functional programmed template for life).  Discovering the diversity, adaptability, and durability of life shows how incredible life is, but not how it originated.  For me, theories of life from prebiotic soup, hot ocean vents, or outer space show nothing.  I find that any ideas of life by science fall far short of showing how to create and maintain even the simplest, primitive life.  The complicated molecule DNA is necessary for life, but life is not because of DNA.  Hence, DNA is lying about all over the world (even as road kill) and is not alive.  Science cannot even understand how DNA was created or it’s programming mechanisms work.  Life is beyond the scope of a master chemist or genius programmer.  Our great human mind has a hard time even defining life or coming up with any real scientific ideas of it’s start and maintenance.  So even with life how does a single cell get so organized to stay alive and reproduce?  How do single cells specialize, co-exist, and learn to cooperate to become a Man made of 32+ trillion cells?  Why is all life controlled by DNA?  Why is it the only  molecular formula that worked?  Is  DNA only on Earth and is this the true wonder of our habitable world?  The current theories of abiogenesis shows how mysterious the animation of matter really is and how creative life is.  The questions are so numerous that I seriously think when we figure out what life is, we will find God. 


In my lifetime (78 years) the discoveries about the Cosmos have been fast paced, enlightening, and unimaginable.  Hubble alone has revealed a complexity of the Cosmos that shows how backward our beliefs were.  It is hard to incorporate new things like a Big Bang Theory, black holes, supernova, the CMB, nebula, dark matter and energy, an accelerating universe, and the new size and age of the Cosmos into my mind.  What will the James Webb telescope discover?  I am overwhelmed by the majesty and wonders of the created Cosmos. The Cosmos reveals mysteries we can hardly begin to grasp.  The vagueness of scientific speculations, like the “singularity”, the multiverse, and “theories of everything” demonstrates the shortcomings of our human technology and imagination.  I sometimes feel science avoids their huge gaps of understanding.  Only the infinite God matches the seemingly infinite Cosmos.


This term seems to be kicked around by scientist to describe the sense that the parameters of our Earthly life requires basic, defined necessities for life to exist.  Discovery coveys a sense that many of these are lucky coincidences.   “Goldilocks”, “just right”, “privileged planet”, and “fine tuning” are not terms that fit into science’s vocabulary.  Science demands that random, spontaneous, natural events explain creation.  I believe that God controls, so the mass extinctions handily occurred in a manner suitable for humans to survive, our unique “rare Earth” is designed to provide a suitable home for us, and the elements and their relative ratios made by the sun and supernova are perfect for us to be made.  Other factors display the same perfection.  The complex process of the formation of oxygen makes it somehow magically available for us to breathe.  Ozone preserves our temperature, otherwise we would be a another Venus or Mars.  Water is not only abundant on Earth, but is maintained by the seasons, the weather cycles, the sun, plate tectonics, and other subtle factors.  The balances of nature represents the extreme complexity and purpose of design by God.  It feels like every new discovery is somehow tied to the concept of being necessary for life.  The list really is endless and stands in stark contrast to the minimal list of necessities scientists require for habitable exoplanets.  The hundreds, or thousands, of conditions necessary for our life (and well-being) are truly an act of God, not luck.


The special creation of Man is a way to explore God’s role in creation.  Man is the most intelligent species we know of on this Earth, and possibly in the whole Universe.  I believe God gave Man superior intellect so we can be more of a companion than a pet.  He did not create Man to be a robot, without will or awareness.  

With our brain we can conceptualize a God and discern and chose.

With our brain we can create and design amazing things.  

With our brain we can dominate and manipulated the world.

With our brain we are curious and seek knowledge.

With our brain we can commit and believe. 

It should be noted that human intelligence is something very complex.  We have language and can communicate so we build a cumulative data base to advance our species.  Together, not individually, we discover different ways to harness fire and to build an Atomic Bomb.  Who is Einstein without Newton, or Henry Ford without the people who developed steel, gas and tires? Luckily we can learn from each other.

Man made a computer, God made a brain.

Man programmed a worldwide internet, God programmed DNA.

Man made buildings, God made suns, planets, and moons.

Man made robots, God made living animals, plants, and Man.

Man made a watch, God created time and the materials to make a watch. 

It is the achievements of God that are truly awesome, not Man.  It is the big brain of Man that probably makes us arrogant.  Even with superior consciousness we aren’t even smart enough to figure out many fundamental things.  Being cynical of Man, science, and religious dogma is part of the driving force of my believing in God.  He is mine, and I am His.


There are a lot of reasons, as I stated above, that point to God as creator, but those reasons are just part of the story.  I think, I speculate, I imagine, I try to figure things out to satisfy me, and I come up with beliefs that are not easily clearly stated.  These are beliefs that redefine some people’s ideas of science and Christianity.  Ideas going against consensus are intimidating to make, but they do reflect some of my thoughts.  Hence, I will attempt to produce a bolder and more inventive narrative of reasons that will try to better clarify my belief in God.


I believe that God as Creator is much more than Science or the Bible reveals.  The reality of God is outside of our ability to imagine, or even guess.  His magnificence is totally beyond our tiny mind.  The Bible does not fully explain the methods of creation used by God.  It is a book of revelation of God’s plan for Man, not explanation.  Science falls far short of finding answers to many things.  It leaves gaps and infers it will have answers, over time.  It is the absolute wonder of creation that makes God indescribable.  An awesome creation takes an awesome Creator.  My belief is that God is my Truth and Hope.  I think science and the Bible both reveal a God beyond Man’s ability to comprehend.

Sometimes, I don’t think of God as a magician, but as a divine genius.  It is a way to envision a God that is more real and reasonable in the face of the physical presence, complexity, and design of everything we see around us.  This perspective makes more sense to explain some things.  It proposes that God may have created or used time, the natural forces of nature, evolution, and many other things, utilizing everything perfectly for creation.  It is along the lines of attributing DNA and genetics as something God created to implement as tools for the maintenance of life.  This concept is definitely speculative and admit-tingly may be stretching things too far.  It is not a wish to modify the Bible to conform to science or vice versus.  We really don’t know how God made things.  God said “Let there be light” and we have photons, eyes, and a brain so we can see and discover.  Did God create or use photons?  Maybe God’s intellect is the real source of miracles?  Someday I trust I will know and understand how God works. 

From a spiritual realm God created a physical universe.  Our reality is physical .  We live, experience, multiply, and die within a physical timeline. Elaborate physical creations from matter demonstrate and validate the creativity and purposeful intent of God to make things.  Things don’t just happen.  A  Heavenly Father made us an unique physical home.  All of Earth is essentially a Garden of Eden that is created just for us.  Maybe it takes trillions upon trillions of planets to get one just right to sustain us.  Ours may be the only one of a kind.  The physical specialness of the creation of Man is apparent in the Bible.  For me, the possibility of the extension of our physical existence to a spiritual eternity is a reflection of our specialness to God.  Belief in this spiritual realm is a “leap of faith”, taken by me that is in addition to my recognition of God as creator.  Maybe the gift of consciousness and revelation by God is why I can be made aware of this?


I will start questions with human intellect.  Humans use our mind to try to figure out our reality.  The thing so exciting about science is how it tries to discover our reality with reason.  Reality is important to me because my perceived truth about reality is useful to define purpose and meaning in my life.  Science could not convey truth to me, but strangely God did.  Why are humans so much smarter than other animals, and how did it happen so fast?  Dinosaurs had 165 million years and fish even longer but they never “evolved” much in the intelligence game.  So why humans?  Neither the Bible or science explains our superior brains.  A human biological brain stands in stark contrast to our man-made computers as far as design or complexity.  How do neurons, synapse, and neurotransmitters relate to microchips and electronics?  No artificial intelligent robot by man even comes close to comparing to any of God’s created animals.  A recent video I saw describes how we have underestimated the “ridiculous” complexity of neurons in mice, but that complexity exceeds ridiculous in humans.  The questions about our special brain are strong reasons to believe in God.  

The questions on “origins” are very problematic.  I hardly think science ever explains origins on anything.  The description “In the beginning” in the Bible is also vague in nature.  The concepts of Inflation Theory, the Big Bang, String Theory, Time, and Gravity may easily be overzealous scientific presumptions.  On the other hand, Sampson’s hair, the Tower of Babel, and Jacob’s Ladder are also hard to reconcile with reason.  The six days of creation depicted in the Bible scientifically also seems a translational defecit.  Not knowing is hard and makes committing to a belief difficult.  So unanswerable questions accumulate.  Even so, I discern and commit, as my most reasonable solution, to belief in origins as being the product of a superior intellect, God.  This is far more credible and superior to the “science” theories for me. 

Over time I have increasingly come to a feeling that new discoveries by science are God showing me how He is in control.  How did this happen?  It is because I seem to be inundated with new discoveries of science that are so wondrous, mysterious, and complex that I came to feel God is revealing things directly to me.  I think of these as things only He could create.  I hear so many times that these new discoveries are part of why we exist.  For example, we would have no galaxies, suns, or planets without Dark Matter.  I’ve also heard we would have no galaxies without Black Holes, Inflation, and more Matter than Antimatter.  Also, no life without Supernova, Water, DNA, and the Sun.  This is a long story but I read that the newly discovered cosmic rays of Supernova may be the cause of speciation on Earth.   Also, even fungus and viruses are necessary for life.  I appears that nothing can exist without the genius of God.  I see God as a purposeful designer who personally creates for me.  God is leading my new discoveries of science to further “proclaim the glory of God”.


I write to explore and clarify things for myself.  My ideas are from a collection of facts in my head, gathered after a lifetime pursuit of knowledge.  My past writings are handwritten and personal in nature.  Always for myself and essentially not read by anybody else.  Because of this I now realize much of my writings are hard to understand.  I can’t explain all the detail and complexity that goes into my thoughts without writing a book.  However, the deeper insights from my studies are from details and are a basis for my beliefs.  The following are a couple examples of what I mean by how the deeper details influence me.


I was making a statement about water in one of my videos on God’s extreme design for life and got caught up in details.   My videos were made from notes, unscripted, and very amateur, and I got carried away describing detailed characteristics of water.  It involved trying to briefly discuss the unique chemical and solubility properties from it molecular structure, it’s utility for biological functions, it’s formation and prevalence in the Cosmos, Earth and Human body, among other things.  Needless to say, it was over long, boring, and still incomplete.  It was dropped from my videos.  However, my belief is validated by such details.  I wanted to include how the water is distributed and maintained on Earth, and how hydrogen was formed from the early Big Bang, and oxygen by nuclear fusion in suns, and both distributed in stardust from Supernova.  It really is the details that showed me that water is not by luck, but by an intricate design from God.  The same complexity easily exist with the details in understanding how Carbon, rare elements, and the Iron Core of the Sun and Earth were formed,  made available, and utilized for life to exist.  I do not have the ability to express my impressions of these wonders of God.

Evolution is another example of how details influence me.  I have seen videos and read many articles on evolution, especially of Man.  Science’s origin stories are so vague and ambiguous to me.  The fossil records, carbon dating, genetic studies, evolutionary trees, etc. are very inconclusive to me.  There are so many controversies that it becomes very confusing.  The conviction that God has created Homo sapiens, specifically, is also not easy.  Things would be easier if the Bible was clearer.  However, the origin of the human species is hard to accept from an evolutionary process to me.  Humans hardly seem possible because we are so extremely unique and complex from all other animals.   Survival is not by natural selection for Man to me.  It seems more like we survived because of a series of lucky, timely, and fortunate events.  I can imagine Man as created as we are by God.  I saw the hominid skulls, bird-like reptiles, and genetic trees and am still convinced that God is creator.  It is disturbing to see Darwin’s evolution of Monkeys to Apes to Man diagrams and realize science so strongly supports their theory that people turn from God.

I have written so much on science and God and tried to make it clear why I believe in God as the Creator.  I think I spent so much effort with this essay  because I want it to help people who won’t accept or consider belief in God, using science or reason as an excuse, like I did.  It is helpful because believing in “A God” helps when evaluating a belief for “The God” of the Bible.  The search for the God of salvation starts with the Bible for Christians.  To accept a God who personally cares for you does not have concrete evidences and is “a narrow road”.  This topic is complex and I feel involves a person’s personal journey to God.  If I personally wasted a large part of my life wondering and studying, I will feel the vanity of my life.  However, I pray that God leads me and I can serve Him in someway.  I will attempt to examine my pathway to Christianity in my next essay ( “I Believe” ).


This topic is a major part of my life’s energy, passion, time, and mental efforts.  I have hundreds of writings, a blog, and a video series on the topic.  Essentially nobody views these, but they were my way to record my thoughts.  I once had a hope my son would read them.  This essay stands alone but I am including links to them.  They are dated and repetitious and I think are best read and watched only if you are interested in more detail.

This is a link to my blog.  It was first published on the internet in 2011.  It was started as science and religion but as time passed it became a jumble of many old miscellaneous writings I typed to preserve and formalize.  To access my 5 essays on Intelligent Design, scroll down on the right side to “Blog Archive”, start on year 2011 and then 2015.

This is the link to my 15 video series.  It was started enthusiastically, but for some reason I could not start chapter 6 (it’s been over 4 years).  I just made notes, stuck a black board behind me, and started talking.  They are very amateurish.


Wednesday, July 20, 2022



God said “Let there be light” and the brilliance of the stars exposed the wonders the darkness could not hide.  

The Sun illuminated the marvels of the World, seen by the curious eyes of Man.

With technology assisted eyes we discovered the miracles of nature and life.

I “see” the glory of creation only “A” God is capable of.

I am such an insignificant part of a large, aged Cosmos.

I seek and find only confusion and questions.

“It is written” and Hope is planted in my mind.

God did not make me as a vain vessel, but as part of His plan.

I “hear” the Word of God.

Belief is a seed in a forest, though planted and nurtured, is still fragile.

The fog that encloses the mind clouds the clarity of belief.

An arrogant mind distracts from the path of discerning “Truth”.

It is God’s Holy Spirit that humbles and opens my heart to “understand”.

Christ provides the beginnings of finding meaning and purpose to life.

He is the “Way” to unity with “THE” God.

I would not know a path to righteousness without His example.

Now I await my destiny as a Holy entity “one” with God.


Outside the Box

I’ve heard that “there is nothing new under the sun”, that Man has not thought or done before.  Of course that is not true of new scientific discoveries.  Still, as a man, what new creative things can I come up with?  I try to have imaginative, original, progressive ideas.  Even acting on my own, studying hard, thinking long and hard, I find my writings are very repetitive, limited in innovation, and boring.  Maybe I don’t let myself be bold enough?  Individuality can be compromised by fear of;  censorship from peers,  being called out of touch, being misinformed, making mistakes, or just plain looking stupid.  You can also be accused of being indiscrete and tactless.  Those fears may control the act of freedom to my mind.  So I wonder, can I write my thoughts even if highly controversial?   Do I even have the intellect, knowledge, and inventiveness to be creative?  Can I allow myself to think “outside the box”?  Remember that as a layman my “outside the box” is different to the privy of information the specialist have.  That makes me naive, but I still have a right to speculate.  The following are just thoughts, many things I always wanted to verbalize,  and others just old ideas, written to allow myself to freely express speculative ideas. In many ways “outside the box” is just trying to answer questions I have, and being brave enough to just speculate.


God is much more than Man could ever comprehend.  Science reveals a creation so complex and designed it is hard to even guess at an entity capable of such genius.  Being alive and human exposes an inferred sense of the wonder of God’s power.  The miraculous nature of existence leaves us guessing at God’s divinity.  Where would such guesses lead if I could let my mind freely and openly think?

God is the conscious source of energy;  the E of E=mc2 that gets matter started, the fires of the Cosmos that light up our night, the gravity that holds us together, and the other forces of nature that shields us from chaos.

Time could be God’s way to limit Man’s arrogance.  We are finite and are left vulnerable by life’s brevity.  We may not exist long enough to get answers.  For those who think Man will eventually have answers, be aware that it most probably won’t happen in your lifetime, or never.  Time makes your “for the good of mankind” rather irrelevant.  Furthermore, it is seemingly optimistic to think mankind will be around much longer.


The mystery of “life” given by God is matched by the mystery of “everlasting life” given by God  through Jesus.  What gives us life may be similar to what gives us everlasting life.  If we can figure out what life is, may be we can visualize everlasting life better.

God is the Truth, not absolute or provable, but confirmable by the privilege of God’s guidance and your ability to trust your belief.  You should recognize this is your truth, relative to you.  Take ownership.

Believing in God may be the most important aspect of your life.  Everything else vanishes in your death.


The human brain may be the pinnacle of God’s creation, without which, He is nonexistent and incomprehensible to us.

We may be so special that God created everything for us.  Certainly, the Bible which describes the great mercy and sacrifice that God made for us seems to indicate so.

Nature or natural forces may be just a scientific word that acknowledges God as the source of creation.  They are just unwilling to call it God.  God may be the “natural” source of everything.

Things we think of as “natural” like oxygen forming O2 in the atmosphere, or Hydrogen + Oxygen forming water, or other chemistries may also be God’s design.  All nature may be designed by God as easily seen in DNA.

Fortunate and lucky coincidences of existence are just God organizing things, an extension of fine tuning necessary for His willful means of creation. 

A spiritual God allows God to be everywhere, to know where we are, and be with us.  Can a spirit be so big as to encompass a cosmos?

All mystery may lead to who God is.  We have no answers.  Mystery certainly accents our limited mind and infers an absolute truth beyond us.  A truth beyond us sounds like God.


There are many things I think we forget to realize because we take them for granted or do not see their significance.  


A photon, an eye, a brain allow us to “see” God’s creation.  This sight helps us know the wonder and awe of our existence.  God said, “Let there be light”,  not,  “let there be gravity”.  Light must be special.

DNA is a key for organization and functions of life.  It may be the key for abiogenesis, how life began.  As DNA may give life, maybe it also can be used for everlasting life after death.  It certainly represents a wonder of God’s genius.  It could be the tool God uses for speciation.

Consider the role of DNA in stem cells

Making proteins

Controlling life functions

Defining species characteristics

Controlling adaptations

So can you use DNA to design a new species?  Can you manipulate DNA to make whatever you want?  It would take a God.

Design a better eye

Design better teeth

Design faster muscle responses

Design a bigger, more complex’s brain

The brain is the site for cognition, it may also be the site for the spirit of Man.  Is there a physical basis for the spirit, or is the physical a manifestation of a spiritual world?  Our life, with it’s memory and identity, may only be preserved as a spirit.  We live in a physical world and don’t even know what a spiritual world is, but maybe that is where heaven is and where we will live forever after death.  

Our intellect gives humans the ability to conceptualize a God, but something else gives us the ability to believe in God.  The brain gives us the ability to discern and maybe helps us to believe.  The Bible describes a process besides intellect, referring to a  “change of heart”.  Perhaps love is involved, and we should not “lean on our own understanding”.

Human intelligence is supplemented by accumulated data and knowledge, the tools and resources of scientific discovery, and an ample time for the age of Man.  Our wisdom is still full of holes and shortcomings and is highly overrated by arrogant Man.  

Our worldly, human nature parallels the sin of Satan.  We crave fame, power, and wealth to make us relevant, better, or godlike.  A smarter animal may follow us that can be humble and respect God.   


A mind is very limited and maybe ideas are also limited.  I can looked at all these attempts to be innovative and unique, but find that I am still hardly original.  I still harbor fears of offending others and myself by trying to free my thoughts “outside the box”.    My mind is full so I will still continue on.   These are just stronger efforts to use my mind and studies to try to figure out some of the mysteries of existence.  Remember these are just thoughts and sometimes wild speculations

God is ruler of a realm, maybe full of others, including gods and angels.

God can do anything, but works by intellect and control, not magic.

God is spiritual, but created a physical cosmos.

God is beyond time and space.  The future is controlled because time can be manipulated.

God created humans and gave us sovereignty to make us more interesting.  Maybe we are challenging to God?  Free will may be because God wants us to come to Him by our own volition.

God is described in the Bible in human terms, so we may not know the true nature of God.  Surely God, though described in human terms, is an entity beyond description.

What we think of heaven and hell may be all wrong.  Was heaven made for us or is it where God lives?  Could heaven be made of dark matter?

The Bible presents God as a Trinity.  Because we are so limited, He may be much more and we are not close to understanding.  We limit God by the limitation of our mind.

We are described as “clay” and given our arrogance, entirely overrate ourselves.  Maybe not believing in God is part of that conceit and makes us feel more important.

We don’t understand the significance of life or death.  A conditional everlasting life , given with belief is more confusing.  Why is belief so important?

Given another 2-300,000 years, would Man comprehend God better?  Maybe knowing the truth of God just takes time.

Trying to give God a name, an image, a gender, and a personality using human concepts may be way off.  One name, of God as our Creator,  leaves a totally impossible way to effectively imagine or visualize Him.

Is it okay to wonder how big God is?  He may be just pure energy, spiritually present everywhere.  Can He live in us, be omnipresent, and dwell in Heaven?


If science can speculate, so can I.   A mind is limitless if free.  Easy to get crazy with scientific questions.


What could lie outside the boundaries of the Universe?  It is only limited because we have limited sight.  Could be other universes, or maybe nothing.  Maybe as galaxies make up a universe, our “uni”verse is just a small part of a very large  “ultra”verse.  Like we thought the Milky Way was everything.

Life is just things made animated.  The design is beyond us now but may someday be as obvious as DNA and atoms are.  It could be just another thing intellectually designed.

Size can be thought of as relative to our size.  A fundamental unit may not exist for small, and large is only large because the universe is as far as we can see now.  Maybe all size is relative to the viewer.  Is there smaller than strings and larger than the cosmos?

Science theories get so wild they lose credibility.  The desperate need to vindicate their theories may be founded on their fear of acknowledging God as creator.  They will take their theories to their death.

Science is not a belief.  It is only humans trying to figure things out.  Science formulates “theories” and people formulate “beliefs”.   Both theories and beliefs can be compelling but are without concrete evidence.  The word Faith does not seem synonymous with belief because of the implication of God in the word Faith.  

Science teaches the finality of death without really knowing what death is.  “Ashes to ashes” or “stardust to stardust” are just guesses by science.  Defining death as the absence of life is shallow if you don’t know what life is.

The complexity science finds in many things defy explanations.  Science often ends in an eventual theory but does not try to explain why the complexity exist.  Maybe complexity infers that creation is the product of a higher intelligence.

Science still wonders about black holes, inflation, time, gravity, dark matter and energy, abiogenesis, cognition, and many other things.  Maybe, without God as an explanation, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle applies to everything, uncertainty!

Science is progressing so rapidly, but because it’s conscience is often controlled by economics and politics, so is the rapid possibility of extinction by climate and war.  Likewise, “survival of the fittest” is an immoral concept leading to a vain death.  Where do the reasons for a moral compass for science come from?  Who is accountable?

Because of the way the specialized sciences isolate themselves, it is hard for them to communicate with unity and a consensus of purpose.  Progress is impeded by limited interactions and is further aggravated by the existence of only a few “jack of all trades” type scientist.  Why do they tend to believe and trust only other scientist?

Science should not sound so sure of itself.  Almost every theory is controversial, and, like the concept of a steady state universe, is subject to change.  Is science an arrogant concept?  

When unknowns pile up in science, and seemingly contradictory and impossible conditions appear that are necessary for existence, God should be a viable theory.  Humans say we don’t know “yet”, but maybe never will with our limited intellect and brief time of existence.

Science needs sound ideas of how life can exist in the hostile exoplanet environments.  The statement “could” is hardly satisfactory or rational.  Are there alternates to DNA?  What other details are necessary?  With our perfect conditions, where are other forms of life on Earth based on science’s many statements of “could”?

The ecosystems of nature display a balance that makes life possible and sustains life.  Does not the probiotics of earth’s history confirm a system so dynamic and controlled as to be impossible to duplicate?  Likewise, the history of natural events (volcanoes, meteorites, climate change, diseases, and extinction events) cannot be duplicated.  This infers “life as we know it” is not reproducible and seems so elegantly and purposefully designed.  

Maybe all the natural forces of nature are all different forms of the same force?  We seem far from understanding forces, especially life force.

Time could have multiple dimensions like String Theory, that are too small to see.  If time has only one direction, what does that mean for space/time as in the Theory of Relativity?  What would a world without time look like?  Is God timeless?  Can God turn time on and off?  As with gravity, time could be a force that binds the fabric of space together.  Do not forget what a very brief moment in time we exist.

Maybe Dark Matter and Dark Energy exist in one of the multiple dimensions of String Theory?  Too small to see?

Science has provided a means for “all” to see the second coming of Christ with the 375 day, 24 hour coverage of news.  Modern technology seems to help explain an unexplainable prophecy in the Bible.  Is there more to come?  Will science find heaven?  Will a soul in Man, or spiritual world be found?  Is there a true “God Spot”?


Science and religion seem to be at such odds with each other.  To speculate on these two together may be helpful to reconcile a Christian that is also a strong advocate of science.  They disagree, but both offer no conclusive facts to disprove each other.

God is in control of our scientific discoveries and is now using them to help us better comprehend Him.  As we learn more about the genius and seemingly designed nature of creation, God could be realized as the most probable, reasonable, and viable answer to the mysteries of creation.  Is there a tool Man could create that can find God?

More scientist may find God as they understand the limitations of human intellect better.  Could we be so humble as to acquiesce to a higher power?  Maybe we will realize how limited we are as we learn more about the brain of Man?

The Bible may be only the first Word of God given to Man.  There may be more to come as Man matures and God wills.  Maybe more science in the second.

Maybe Man can learn to be more acceptable to God and be a candidate for change.  Can we control our behavior without God’s guidance and help?  Would it make a difference?

Is the destiny of Man complete now with our salvation through Jesus?  Do the dammed have a chance?  Are the end times the end of Man’s history?  Will God change our fate?  We may be just living in Act one.

We are just one species exercising our mental abilities.  To think our existence is random and our survival is just lucky is to short circuit our place in God’s plan of creation.  Left to our own resources we would probably be our own demise.  God may be our only hope.

Both science and sin promise a false utopia.  Are the benefits of a longer, more leisurely, comfortable, and prosperous life offered by science, or the hedonistic pleasures of sin worth it?  Even if those benefits only exist for a short time during a relatively brief lifespan?  God does offer more, and possibly forever, if we can believe.

Science does not represent people.  An individual can have anti-religious views and various differing philosophies.  A person represents himself and is accountable to himself for who he is.  The same is true for the individual with Faith, but he surrenders his self and is accountable to God.

For a Christian, anti-religious groups represent heretics.  Unfortunately, for many scientist, science is a type of “idol” to many of them.  In a strict sense anything put before God is an idol.  The worship of idols is the most apparent form of heresy.  

As the advancements of science reflect a modern world, there is no similar reflection of modern Christian belief.  The foundation of Faith is of what happened over 2000 years ago. Where are the wise men of faith that parallel the geniuses of science?  Where is the inspiration of God in men that parallels the discoveries of science?  Has God said nothing new in response to a new world from 2000 years ago?

In today’s world of the internet, the loudest, richest, more famous voices get heard.  This seems to be to the detriment of faith because science seems more interesting and the Christian voice seems to say the same thing over and over.  Can God inspire another updated Bible in a clearer language and easier to understand?

Love is an emotion, a behavior, a state of mind, a benevolent part of us, an antagonist to our evil nature, and a mystery.  Is it also part of our genetic heritage, in our genes?  If God is love does that mean our access or predisposition for true love is through God?

Is the righteousness of God just lucky?  As our creator, He is also our Lord.  As our judge, He is also our savior.  As our Father, He is also someone who unconditionally loves us.  He need not be good to be our God, but thankfully He is.  His grace is apparent with Jesus, His Son.

It is hard to imagine that God created us as He wanted us to be.  However, I’m glad not to be a robot although I’m not sure how “free” my will is?

The Ten Commandments that God gave us may be as natural as the “Laws of Nature.  Obedience and consequences infers a fear of God’s authority.  Can we both fear and love God?

Would we be able to discern if a new prophet or apostle came to represent God?  How could his or her authority be proved?  Maybe authorization could be “seen” by the wisdom of words, or miracles, or a definitive sign from God.  It can be supposed that even Jesus would not be believed in today’s mass media carnival.  Maybe the reason we need no new apostle is because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit as our helper, guide, and Counselor.


These following concepts “outside the box”  are a lot of more wilder ideas put together.  They are speculations that I allowed my mind to think but not express openly, usually.

E (energy) is used to start everything.  The singularity is energy.  Energy is the starter, reverses Entropy, the cause.  Maybe something does not come from nothing, and quantum fluctuations require Energy.

E=mc2  (mass converted to energy= Atomic bomb).  Energy converts.  Energy is the beginning of space, time, mass.  Energy is invisible and has no mass.  A vacuum could be pure energy that even without form can be Dark Matter, causing gravitational effects.

Energy is both the product and cause of the stretching of space.  The increased acceleration of space was caused by a threshold in that stretching that released additional energy.  Space is a name for that stretched vacuum.  This is Dark Energy.

Energy is a force in many forms.  Maybe the units of the various forms of energy (kinetic, work, potential, conservation of) can help explain the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.  Energy in any form is related.  

Gravity- the “Theory of Everything” centers around Energy, not gravity.

“W” force

“Z” force

E/M force 



force of nature

force of life (physical and spiritual).

The most beautiful use of Energy is by God (Alpha and Omega, spiritual, intellectual, I AM).  Energy creates, is eternal, and is everywhere.  God controls all energy.  With controlled energy, creation can start.

Eternal life may be the conservation of Energy (1st Law of Thermodynamics).  Our life is a physical manifestation of life force.  The preservation of our identity and memories is related to the information paradox (never lost).

God created a physical realm.  That is our reality.  The physical is finite, unlike the infinite spiritual realm.  The design of our physical realm reveals the intellect of God.

Love is a force.  Jesus is a manifestation of love.  The relationship of God to love is God’s control of that force.

The energy of life is like a battery that drives our cells.  The process of reproduction multiplies that energy.  The unity of an organism is God’s control of our life force.  

The relationship of time to energy connects time to space, mass, and gravity.  It does not move backward or forward.  It is related to the physical realm God created and is always the present.

Light (the Photon) is the creation that let us be in touch with our environment and nature around us.  Vision when coupled with intellect is fundamental to human consciousness.  Aware, we can “see” God.  Light as a wave/particle must have some mass.  How does it burst from the interior of a sun and irradiate outward in all directions? How is it’s speed caused and controlled?  

The Sun is a nuclear energy source, created for bringing all the energy necessities for life to Earth, starting with photosynthesis and ending with the Kreb Cycle for Man.  A nuclear power plant helps exemplify the superior design of God’s suns, compared to Man’s attempts to utilize nuclear energy.

The use of energy to create requires such fine tuning that randomness and a natural cause are not reasonable.  The design of creation displays a level of  complexity and intelligence unexplained by random and natural cause.  A casual relationship for creation is more rationally described by divine influence.


Throughout a life, the meaning and purpose of life takes on different degrees of importance.  As the physical aspects of life diminish more and more, and death approaches, “why” is the greater mystery.  Science never answers this and the reason for the existence of “us” is left unanswered.  Can we find the truth?  Does God make it clear enough for us to possibly understand?  What speculations exist for the questions of why we are alive?

The question “why” never really has a concrete answer.  It is a guess.  Will God let Man know “why” in a comprehensive way?  Perhaps the best answer is in the Bible as the Will of God.  The question of knowing and understanding “God’s Will” is as problematic as the question “why”, and is often answered with “I don’t know”.  There are many reasons to say “I don’t know”.

Maybe we are not smart enough?

Maybe we don’t have enough data?

Maybe everything is too confusing and complex to know?

Maybe we don’t recognize the answer is right before us?

Maybe we’re not asking the right question?

Maybe God doesn’t want us to know?

Maybe someone knows but won’t tell? 

Maybe there is no answer?

It may be better we don’t know and that is the way it should be.  Mystery is a part of having intellect.  Intellect brings on curiosity.  Curiosity forces us to seek answers.  Since God gave us this intellect, maybe we should trust Him for answers someday.  Perhaps mystery is just a way to show us our limitations.

We could be so insignificant that asking “why” makes as much sense as an ant questioning a rain storm.  Part of humility is acknowledging our shortcomings.

Wisdom eludes us.

Reason and discernment are lacking.

Our arrogance blinds us to reality.

Our limited intelligence leads to a dead end.

“Alive” may be a misunderstood term to describe ourselves.  Life may be improperly defined.  It may be more than our animated self, but also an undefined, unidentifiable part of our identity.  We may be created in both the body and soul.  Death may only be related to the end of life of our finite physical body.  The soul may live on with the potential of eternity.

Our bodies are such a small part of the vastness of matter in the cosmos.  The reality of the present that we live our short, finite life in, is insignificant in contrast to the age of the cosmos.  Still our small, weak voice is heard because God is so great, not us.  We know we are special and loved because God sent Jesus, His Son to save us from ourselves.  Life has meaning, maybe only because of God.


Getting wilder still.  Maybe not speculations, but more like fantasies.  

Would if God is not a magician, but more like our picture of a “mad scientist” (not in a derogatory way).  He would be like a genius tinkering with His creation.  He is a God, outside time, making “us”.  He may not control nature, but is nature.  That would mean nature moves with intellect and motive (this is natural selection by God).  

Need trillions and trillions of planets to get a perfect one for life, and us.  

Need many species to make one like a human.  Humans may be the pinnacle of God’s creation, at least for now.

Need many environmental and historic events to create and control man’s destiny.  

A volcano changes Earth’s temperature.

An asteroid wipes out the dinosaurs and gives mammals and humans an                       environment to survive and flourish in.  

A war gives the Israelites a home.

A nation develops a process to crucify Jesus.

Continuous manipulations of supernova and nebula finally results in an elemental makeup that can produce life, as God wants it.

An intellect is created that gives a consciousness to humans.  That intellect allows awareness of God and dominion over the world.  Consciousness is superior intellect, exemplified by God’s ultimate creation, us.

Would if there are many other Gods.  Not for us because we are told to worship the “one” God, our creator.  In God’s realm, the kingdom of Heaven, we get a picture of an existence entirely beyond our reality.  Our imagination can envision other God-like entities in this kingdom.  The Bible is not clear on this point.  Specifically God, the Father, and Jesus, the Son of God, are described as our “Lord”.    

Would if God is something way beyond our ability to comprehend.  Are there dimensions invisible to us, like the spiritual realm the Bible describes, but more?  What could be the design of pure intellect and power?  Could we just happen to be in the one of the trillions and trillions of universes that have a God (like the “anything is possible multiverse”)?  Our brain is too limited to even begin to understand reality and truth. 

Looking at the grandeur of what is around us, do we think way too highly of ourselves?  The Savant Syndrome infers unbelievable potential of our brain.  The geniuses in human history make normalcy a meek, humble perspective on Man’s intellectual potential.  The vast physiology of the brain displays an unfantomable complexity.   Still we comprehend little and have more questions than answers.  How much we don’t know should humble us.  Maybe the brain isn’t a key to intelligence?  


Getting outside the box is more than speculations of data and evidence.  The mind builds “worlds” for you that are wishes and fantasies.  They can be alternate realities,  wild dreams, or visions of wished for truths.  While I am surrounded by unknown, seemingly  “impossibles”,  I persevere by “possibilities”.  A world can be speculated that is an accumulation of many speculative insights that together create a separate reality.  Mystery and questions are answered by assumptions that can bring hope of better solutions for the many “I don’t knows” of science and the Bible.  It is a world of my imagination.

Life and the design of Man is only explainable by speculations.  The mystery is so vast that even human intellect falls short of comprehension.  Putting God as the source is just a start to “outside the box”.  What our minds can grasp with progressing data are a beginning of a possible ability to “see” the truth and magnitude of God through His creation.  To believe in God is a start.  To let your mind fill in questions is a fearful process that hinders “outside the box” thoughts.  However, as fearful as it is to think of possibilities in relationship to God,  it is the freedom I am giving myself.

One speculation involves Man’s relationship to God.


INTENT?    Everything is created by God for me (Man).

I am like no other.  God does not act randomly.  Matter and elements were  created in precise abundance’s and ratios so I can exist.  The occurrences of cosmic events were not natural, but purposeful plans of creation. To make a perfect home for me, trillions, upon trillions of planets were created so my one perfect Earth would exist.  Nature provided weather, volcanoes, meteors, extinctions (mass and otherwise), etc. to accommodate specific speciation leading to me.  It was not accidental, lucky, coincidental, or fortunate that complex factors, like DNA,  persisted with the versatility and viability to survive the environmental stress necessary for life and me.  The control and balance of nature is so incredible and incomprehensively broad that it cannot be duplicated, which is what makes everything so valuable.  Life is unique and specific to our world.  The tools that were implemented and designed for us are not natural.  We are the product of an evolving, designed creation, not evolution.  God made it so,  which adds to our specialness.

God is alive, existing in some form, someplace, with control and cognition beyond our imagination.  What we “see”, understand, and believe in our physical existence infers a God of such power that even the Bible may fall short of reality.  Who can create a Big Bang and envision a Man as a product on the other end?  How can God make this happen?  The complex manipulations necessary for us is a testimony to the magnitude of God’s power.  An abbreviated list of some of these manipulations defining existence are as follows:

A singularity (?) formed and expanded that creates everything.  Space, time, matter, light, suns, galaxies, etc., are brought into being for a cosmos. 

Timely processes, events, and nature establish the conditions for Man.

Life, functionally programmed by DNA, is somehow developed on our specially formed planet.

Many forms of life come and go throughout the history of Earth, leading to the pinnacle of creation, us.

Human consciousness leads us to revelation of the specialness and purpose of our life.

God made me alive and conscious.  I am the pinnacle of design.  I am created unique and with autonomy.  I am a privileged person.  Above all other life as I know it, I am superior.  I reason and discern.  I am curious and seek.  I read and study.  I am created to be able to marvel and believe in God.  I am the artistic, animated product of genius

SPIRITUAL WORLD?  God has a plan for me.

God created a physical world,  but lives in an invisible spiritual world.  Our soul represents the unity we have with God, made in His image.  The soul is an eternal part of us.  It is devoid of material needs.  We live in a practical physical world, but find eternity in an abstract spiritual world.  We are a finite speck in the physical world,  but are given the privilege of the spiritual existence that is infinite and omnipresent.  Our temporary physical life pales in comparison with the promise of our eternal spiritual rebirth after death.  While we are wrapped up with what we “see”,  the relevance of life is in joining God in His world.  In a spiritual state we can be infinite and with God.  

I see incomprehensibly “where” and “who” I am.  The rest of me is defined by my Creator.  God made me so special as to be beyond His physical creation.  It is the essence of the purpose to my life.  The meaning to life is to “find” a truth to my reality within the brief, limited span of my physical existence, before death.  The Bible reveals a plan offering me the opportunity to be with Him through my belief in His son, Jesus.  I can believe in spite of my human, physical predispositions.  Maybe, only with His help.  Belief in a non proven spiritual world is a concession to reason.  Spirituality is enforced in a mind that God has made open to believe.  God leads us through the pitfalls of indecision,  inability to commit,  doubts,  fear, insecurities, contradictory influences,  and temptations to a place where the Holy Spirit can work in us.  It is our soul and God’s Spirit that bring us to Christianity.

DESTINY?  I am responsible for myself.

God gave me my brain.  It is a gift.  With this brain, Man decides his destiny.  We are given the free will to chose.  Left to ourselves, we cannot get beyond ourselves.  We fail to meet God’s criteria of righteousness.  Our human nature fails.  God intervenes and gives us opportunity to find Him, in spite of ourselves.  The door is open for us to walk through,  but we must take the step.     Righteousness is obtain through belief in Jesus as the Son of God.  We must walk the narrow path.  God will help.

My will can be freely given as surrender to God’s Lordship.  The brain within me gives me the capability to reason, discern, and chose.  It is how God made me.  I have been given autonomy within the limits of my intellect.  

God reveals a moral compass.  Disobedience to God is sin.  Sin is punishable by death.  God sets the rules and demands obedience and faith.  


I have been told that expressing my thoughts as “outside the box” could be dangerous.  Speculations that are not wholly Biblical can be heresy to some who study the Bible and have set, stringent feelings about the Word of God.  The Bible is the foundation of my Faith but it does leave me with a multitude of questions.  I think that I can easily maintain my belief and still address the “I don’t know” or “understand” the many mysteries of God.  It is the very mystery of God that leads my attempts to speculate.  As “The heavens proclaim the glory of God” and “Man is without excuse”, I feel that God is much more that even the Bible describes.  

God gave me a brain, and to not use it is problematic to me.  I think that the “surrender” that the Bible demands is not of intellect, but of the arrogance (folly) of Man.  I seek, read, and study to alleviate my innate curiosity.  I find that my journey to “find” (knock) answers was revealed in the truth of Jesus.

I wonder about who and why I am.  I have been writing my thoughts since 24 years old.  For some reason, I have always had a passion for science and have actively pursued answers to my Christianity.  “Outside the Box” is an attempt to see where my ideas lead, if I have ideas, and can I effectively write them.  It is a work in progress that I don’t know where it will lead.

I am secure with my Christian faith and understand it as a gift from God.  My wild speculations are not to promote advocacy.  There are certainly enough Christians with various “ideas” from their studies.  Also, I don’t think anyone will read my writings, but even so, I feel compelled to write, and pray for God’s guidance.  I am now 78 years old and hope my life has purpose for God.  I know my thoughts are controversial, but I hope it can be a good thing to try to see God in such a wondrous way.








Outside the Box

I’ve heard that “there is nothing new under the sun”, that Man has not thought or done before.  Of course that is not true of new scientific discoveries.  Still, as a man, what new creative things can I come up with?  I try to have imaginative, original, progressive ideas.  Even acting on my own, studying hard, thinking long and hard, I find my writings are very repetitive, limited in innovation, and boring.  Maybe I don’t let myself be bold enough?  Individuality can be compromised by fear of;  censorship from peers,  being called out of touch, being misinformed, making mistakes, or just plain looking stupid.  You can also be accused of being indiscrete and tactless.  Those fears may control the act of freedom to my mind.  So I wonder, can I write my thoughts even if highly controversial?   Do I even have the intellect, knowledge, and inventiveness to be creative?  Can I allow myself to think “outside the box”?  Remember that as a layman my “outside the box” is different to the privy of information the specialist have.  That makes me naive, but I still have a right to speculate.  The following are just thoughts, many things I always wanted to verbalize,  and others just old ideas, written to allow myself to freely express speculative ideas. In many ways “outside the box” is just trying to answer questions I have, and being brave enough to just speculate.


God is much more than Man could ever comprehend.  Science reveals a creation so complex and designed it is hard to even guess at an entity capable of such genius.  Being alive and human exposes an inferred sense of the wonder of God’s power.  The miraculous nature of existence leaves us guessing at God’s divinity.  Where would such guesses lead if I could let my mind freely and openly think?

God is the conscious source of energy;  the E of E=mc2 that gets matter started, the fires of the Cosmos that light up our night, the gravity that holds us together, and the other forces of nature that shields us from chaos.

Time could be God’s way to limit Man’s arrogance.  We are finite and are left vulnerable by life’s brevity.  We may not exist long enough to get answers.  For those who think Man will eventually have answers, be aware that it most probably won’t happen in your lifetime, or never.  Time makes your “for the good of mankind” rather irrelevant.  Furthermore, it is seemingly optimistic to think mankind will be around much longer.


The mystery of “life” given by God is matched by the mystery of “everlasting life” given by God  through Jesus.  What gives us life may be similar to what gives us everlasting life.  If we can figure out what life is, may be we can visualize everlasting life better.

God is the Truth, not absolute or provable, but confirmable by the privilege of God’s guidance and your ability to trust your belief.  You should recognize this is your truth, relative to you.  Take ownership.

Believing in God may be the most important aspect of your life.  Everything else vanishes in your death.


The human brain may be the pinnacle of God’s creation, without which, He is nonexistent and incomprehensible to us.

We may be so special that God created everything for us.  Certainly, the Bible which describes the great mercy and sacrifice that God made for us seems to indicate so.

Nature or natural forces may be just a scientific word that acknowledges God as the source of creation.  They are just unwilling to call it God.  God may be the “natural” source of everything.

Things we think of as “natural” like oxygen forming O2 in the atmosphere, or Hydrogen + Oxygen forming water, or other chemistries may also be God’s design.  All nature may be designed by God as easily seen in DNA.

Fortunate and lucky coincidences of existence are just God organizing things, an extension of fine tuning necessary for His willful means of creation. 

A spiritual God allows God to be everywhere, to know where we are, and be with us.  Can a spirit be so big as to encompass a cosmos?

All mystery may lead to who God is.  We have no answers.  Mystery certainly accents our limited mind and infers an absolute truth beyond us.  A truth beyond us sounds like God.


There are many things I think we forget to realize because we take them for granted or do not see their significance.  


A photon, an eye, a brain allow us to “see” God’s creation.  This sight helps us know the wonder and awe of our existence.  God said, “Let there be light”,  not,  “let there be gravity”.  Light must be special.

DNA is a key for organization and functions of life.  It may be the key for abiogenesis, how life began.  As DNA may give life, maybe it also can be used for everlasting life after death.  It certainly represents a wonder of God’s genius.  It could be the tool God uses for speciation.

Consider the role of DNA in stem cells

Making proteins

Controlling life functions

Defining species characteristics

Controlling adaptations

So can you use DNA to design a new species?  Can you manipulate DNA to make whatever you want?  It would take a God.

Design a better eye

Design better teeth

Design faster muscle responses

Design a bigger, more complex’s brain

The brain is the site for cognition, it may also be the site for the spirit of Man.  Is there a physical basis for the spirit, or is the physical a manifestation of a spiritual world?  Our life, with it’s memory and identity, may only be preserved as a spirit.  We live in a physical world and don’t even know what a spiritual world is, but maybe that is where heaven is and where we will live forever after death.  

Our intellect gives humans the ability to conceptualize a God, but something else gives us the ability to believe in God.  The brain gives us the ability to discern and maybe helps us to believe.  The Bible describes a process besides intellect, referring to a  “change of heart”.  Perhaps love is involved, and we should not “lean on our own understanding”.

Human intelligence is supplemented by accumulated data and knowledge, the tools and resources of scientific discovery, and an ample time for the age of Man.  Our wisdom is still full of holes and shortcomings and is highly overrated by arrogant Man.  

Our worldly, human nature parallels the sin of Satan.  We crave fame, power, and wealth to make us relevant, better, or godlike.  A smarter animal may follow us that can be humble and respect God.   


A mind is very limited and maybe ideas are also limited.  I can looked at all these attempts to be innovative and unique, but find that I am still hardly original.  I still harbor fears of offending others and myself by trying to free my thoughts “outside the box”.    My mind is full so I will still continue on.   These are just stronger efforts to use my mind and studies to try to figure out some of the mysteries of existence.  Remember these are just thoughts and sometimes wild speculations

God is ruler of a realm, maybe full of others, including gods and angels.

God can do anything, but works by intellect and control, not magic.

God is spiritual, but created a physical cosmos.

God is beyond time and space.  The future is controlled because time can be manipulated.

God created humans and gave us sovereignty to make us more interesting.  Maybe we are challenging to God?  Free will may be because God wants us to come to Him by our own volition.

God is described in the Bible in human terms, so we may not know the true nature of God.  Surely God, though described in human terms, is an entity beyond description.

What we think of heaven and hell may be all wrong.  Was heaven made for us or is it where God lives?  Could heaven be made of dark matter?

The Bible presents God as a Trinity.  Because we are so limited, He may be much more and we are not close to understanding.  We limit God by the limitation of our mind.

We are described as “clay” and given our arrogance, entirely overrate ourselves.  Maybe not believing in God is part of that conceit and makes us feel more important.

We don’t understand the significance of life or death.  A conditional everlasting life , given with belief is more confusing.  Why is belief so important?

Given another 2-300,000 years, would Man comprehend God better?  Maybe knowing the truth of God just takes time.

Trying to give God a name, an image, a gender, and a personality using human concepts may be way off.  One name, of God as our Creator,  leaves a totally impossible way to effectively imagine or visualize Him.

Is it okay to wonder how big God is?  He may be just pure energy, spiritually present everywhere.  Can He live in us, be omnipresent, and dwell in Heaven?


If science can speculate, so can I.   A mind is limitless if free.  Easy to get crazy with scientific questions.


What could lie outside the boundaries of the Universe?  It is only limited because we have limited sight.  Could be other universes, or maybe nothing.  Maybe as galaxies make up a universe, our “uni”verse is just a small part of a very large  “ultra”verse.  Like we thought the Milky Way was everything.

Life is just things made animated.  The design is beyond us now but may someday be as obvious as DNA and atoms are.  It could be just another thing intellectually designed.

Size can be thought of as relative to our size.  A fundamental unit may not exist for small, and large is only large because the universe is as far as we can see now.  Maybe all size is relative to the viewer.  Is there smaller than strings and larger than the cosmos?

Science theories get so wild they lose credibility.  The desperate need to vindicate their theories may be founded on their fear of acknowledging God as creator.  They will take their theories to their death.

Science is not a belief.  It is only humans trying to figure things out.  Science formulates “theories” and people formulate “beliefs”.   Both theories and beliefs can be compelling but are without concrete evidence.  The word Faith does not seem synonymous with belief because of the implication of God in the word Faith.  

Science teaches the finality of death without really knowing what death is.  “Ashes to ashes” or “stardust to stardust” are just guesses by science.  Defining death as the absence of life is shallow if you don’t know what life is.

The complexity science finds in many things defy explanations.  Science often ends in an eventual theory but does not try to explain why the complexity exist.  Maybe complexity infers that creation is the product of a higher intelligence.

Science still wonders about black holes, inflation, time, gravity, dark matter and energy, abiogenesis, cognition, and many other things.  Maybe, without God as an explanation, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle applies to everything, uncertainty!

Science is progressing so rapidly, but because it’s conscience is often controlled by economics and politics, so is the rapid possibility of extinction by climate and war.  Likewise, “survival of the fittest” is an immoral concept leading to a vain death.  Where do the reasons for a moral compass for science come from?  Who is accountable?

Because of the way the specialized sciences isolate themselves, it is hard for them to communicate with unity and a consensus of purpose.  Progress is impeded by limited interactions and is further aggravated by the existence of only a few “jack of all trades” type scientist.  Why do they tend to believe and trust only other scientist?

Science should not sound so sure of itself.  Almost every theory is controversial, and, like the concept of a steady state universe, is subject to change.  Is science an arrogant concept?  

When unknowns pile up in science, and seemingly contradictory and impossible conditions appear that are necessary for existence, God should be a viable theory.  Humans say we don’t know “yet”, but maybe never will with our limited intellect and brief time of existence.

Science needs sound ideas of how life can exist in the hostile exoplanet environments.  The statement “could” is hardly satisfactory or rational.  Are there alternates to DNA?  What other details are necessary?  With our perfect conditions, where are other forms of life on Earth based on science’s many statements of “could”?

The ecosystems of nature display a balance that makes life possible and sustains life.  Does not the probiotics of earth’s history confirm a system so dynamic and controlled as to be impossible to duplicate?  Likewise, the history of natural events (volcanoes, meteorites, climate change, diseases, and extinction events) cannot be duplicated.  This infers “life as we know it” is not reproducible and seems so elegantly and purposefully designed.  

Maybe all the natural forces of nature are all different forms of the same force?  We seem far from understanding forces, especially life force.

Time could have multiple dimensions like String Theory, that are too small to see.  If time has only one direction, what does that mean for space/time as in the Theory of Relativity?  What would a world without time look like?  Is God timeless?  Can God turn time on and off?  As with gravity, time could be a force that binds the fabric of space together.  Do not forget what a very brief moment in time we exist.

Maybe Dark Matter and Dark Energy exist in one of the multiple dimensions of String Theory?  Too small to see?

Science has provided a means for “all” to see the second coming of Christ with the 375 day, 24 hour coverage of news.  Modern technology seems to help explain an unexplainable prophecy in the Bible.  Is there more to come?  Will science find heaven?  Will a soul in Man, or spiritual world be found?  Is there a true “God Spot”?


Science and religion seem to be at such odds with each other.  To speculate on these two together may be helpful to reconcile a Christian that is also a strong advocate of science.  They disagree, but both offer no conclusive facts to disprove each other.

God is in control of our scientific discoveries and is now using them to help us better comprehend Him.  As we learn more about the genius and seemingly designed nature of creation, God could be realized as the most probable, reasonable, and viable answer to the mysteries of creation.  Is there a tool Man could create that can find God?

More scientist may find God as they understand the limitations of human intellect better.  Could we be so humble as to acquiesce to a higher power?  Maybe we will realize how limited we are as we learn more about the brain of Man?

The Bible may be only the first Word of God given to Man.  There may be more to come as Man matures and God wills.  Maybe more science in the second.

Maybe Man can learn to be more acceptable to God and be a candidate for change.  Can we control our behavior without God’s guidance and help?  Would it make a difference?

Is the destiny of Man complete now with our salvation through Jesus?  Do the dammed have a chance?  Are the end times the end of Man’s history?  Will God change our fate?  We may be just living in Act one.

We are just one species exercising our mental abilities.  To think our existence is random and our survival is just lucky is to short circuit our place in God’s plan of creation.  Left to our own resources we would probably be our own demise.  God may be our only hope.

Both science and sin promise a false utopia.  Are the benefits of a longer, more leisurely, comfortable, and prosperous life offered by science, or the hedonistic pleasures of sin worth it?  Even if those benefits only exist for a short time during a relatively brief lifespan?  God does offer more, and possibly forever, if we can believe.

Science does not represent people.  An individual can have anti-religious views and various differing philosophies.  A person represents himself and is accountable to himself for who he is.  The same is true for the individual with Faith, but he surrenders his self and is accountable to God.

For a Christian, anti-religious groups represent heretics.  Unfortunately, for many scientist, science is a type of “idol” to many of them.  In a strict sense anything put before God is an idol.  The worship of idols is the most apparent form of heresy.  

As the advancements of science reflect a modern world, there is no similar reflection of modern Christian belief.  The foundation of Faith is of what happened over 2000 years ago. Where are the wise men of faith that parallel the geniuses of science?  Where is the inspiration of God in men that parallels the discoveries of science?  Has God said nothing new in response to a new world from 2000 years ago?

In today’s world of the internet, the loudest, richest, more famous voices get heard.  This seems to be to the detriment of faith because science seems more interesting and the Christian voice seems to say the same thing over and over.  Can God inspire another updated Bible in a clearer language and easier to understand?

Love is an emotion, a behavior, a state of mind, a benevolent part of us, an antagonist to our evil nature, and a mystery.  Is it also part of our genetic heritage, in our genes?  If God is love does that mean our access or predisposition for true love is through God?

Is the righteousness of God just lucky?  As our creator, He is also our Lord.  As our judge, He is also our savior.  As our Father, He is also someone who unconditionally loves us.  He need not be good to be our God, but thankfully He is.  His grace is apparent with Jesus, His Son.

It is hard to imagine that God created us as He wanted us to be.  However, I’m glad not to be a robot although I’m not sure how “free” my will is?

The Ten Commandments that God gave us may be as natural as the “Laws of Nature.  Obedience and consequences infers a fear of God’s authority.  Can we both fear and love God?

Would we be able to discern if a new prophet or apostle came to represent God?  How could his or her authority be proved?  Maybe authorization could be “seen” by the wisdom of words, or miracles, or a definitive sign from God.  It can be supposed that even Jesus would not be believed in today’s mass media carnival.  Maybe the reason we need no new apostle is because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit as our helper, guide, and Counselor.


These following concepts “outside the box”  are a lot of more wilder ideas put together.  They are speculations that I allowed my mind to think but not express openly, usually.

E (energy) is used to start everything.  The singularity is energy.  Energy is the starter, reverses Entropy, the cause.  Maybe something does not come from nothing, and quantum fluctuations require Energy.

E=mc2  (mass converted to energy= Atomic bomb).  Energy converts.  Energy is the beginning of space, time, mass.  Energy is invisible and has no mass.  A vacuum could be pure energy that even without form can be Dark Matter, causing gravitational effects.

Energy is both the product and cause of the stretching of space.  The increased acceleration of space was caused by a threshold in that stretching that released additional energy.  Space is a name for that stretched vacuum.  This is Dark Energy.

Energy is a force in many forms.  Maybe the units of the various forms of energy (kinetic, work, potential, conservation of) can help explain the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.  Energy in any form is related.  

Gravity- the “Theory of Everything” centers around Energy, not gravity.

“W” force

“Z” force

E/M force 



force of nature

force of life (physical and spiritual).

The most beautiful use of Energy is by God (Alpha and Omega, spiritual, intellectual, I AM).  Energy creates, is eternal, and is everywhere.  God controls all energy.  With controlled energy, creation can start.

Eternal life may be the conservation of Energy (1st Law of Thermodynamics).  Our life is a physical manifestation of life force.  The preservation of our identity and memories is related to the information paradox (never lost).

God created a physical realm.  That is our reality.  The physical is finite, unlike the infinite spiritual realm.  The design of our physical realm reveals the intellect of God.

Love is a force.  Jesus is a manifestation of love.  The relationship of God to love is God’s control of that force.

The energy of life is like a battery that drives our cells.  The process of reproduction multiplies that energy.  The unity of an organism is God’s control of our life force.  

The relationship of time to energy connects time to space, mass, and gravity.  It does not move backward or forward.  It is related to the physical realm God created and is always the present.

Light (the Photon) is the creation that let us be in touch with our environment and nature around us.  Vision when coupled with intellect is fundamental to human consciousness.  Aware, we can “see” God.  Light as a wave/particle must have some mass.  How does it burst from the interior of a sun and irradiate outward in all directions? How is it’s speed caused and controlled?  

The Sun is a nuclear energy source, created for bringing all the energy necessities for life to Earth, starting with photosynthesis and ending with the Kreb Cycle for Man.  A nuclear power plant helps exemplify the superior design of God’s suns, compared to Man’s attempts to utilize nuclear energy.

The use of energy to create requires such fine tuning that randomness and a natural cause are not reasonable.  The design of creation displays a level of  complexity and intelligence unexplained by random and natural cause.  A casual relationship for creation is more rationally described by divine influence.


Throughout a life, the meaning and purpose of life takes on different degrees of importance.  As the physical aspects of life diminish more and more, and death approaches, “why” is the greater mystery.  Science never answers this and the reason for the existence of “us” is left unanswered.  Can we find the truth?  Does God make it clear enough for us to possibly understand?  What speculations exist for the questions of why we are alive?

The question “why” never really has a concrete answer.  It is a guess.  Will God let Man know “why” in a comprehensive way?  Perhaps the best answer is in the Bible as the Will of God.  The question of knowing and understanding “God’s Will” is as problematic as the question “why”, and is often answered with “I don’t know”.  There are many reasons to say “I don’t know”.

Maybe we are not smart enough?

Maybe we don’t have enough data?

Maybe everything is too confusing and complex to know?

Maybe we don’t recognize the answer is right before us?

Maybe we’re not asking the right question?

Maybe God doesn’t want us to know?

Maybe someone knows but won’t tell? 

Maybe there is no answer?

It may be better we don’t know and that is the way it should be.  Mystery is a part of having intellect.  Intellect brings on curiosity.  Curiosity forces us to seek answers.  Since God gave us this intellect, maybe we should trust Him for answers someday.  Perhaps mystery is just a way to show us our limitations.

We could be so insignificant that asking “why” makes as much sense as an ant questioning a rain storm.  Part of humility is acknowledging our shortcomings.

Wisdom eludes us.

Reason and discernment are lacking.

Our arrogance blinds us to reality.

Our limited intelligence leads to a dead end.

“Alive” may be a misunderstood term to describe ourselves.  Life may be improperly defined.  It may be more than our animated self, but also an undefined, unidentifiable part of our identity.  We may be created in both the body and soul.  Death may only be related to the end of life of our finite physical body.  The soul may live on with the potential of eternity.

Our bodies are such a small part of the vastness of matter in the cosmos.  The reality of the present that we live our short, finite life in, is insignificant in contrast to the age of the cosmos.  Still our small, weak voice is heard because God is so great, not us.  We know we are special and loved because God sent Jesus, His Son to save us from ourselves.  Life has meaning, maybe only because of God.


Getting wilder still.  Maybe not speculations, but more like fantasies.  

Would if God is not a magician, but more like our picture of a “mad scientist” (not in a derogatory way).  He would be like a genius tinkering with His creation.  He is a God, outside time, making “us”.  He may not control nature, but is nature.  That would mean nature moves with intellect and motive (this is natural selection by God).  

Need trillions and trillions of planets to get a perfect one for life, and us.  

Need many species to make one like a human.  Humans may be the pinnacle of God’s creation, at least for now.

Need many environmental and historic events to create and control man’s destiny.  

A volcano changes Earth’s temperature.

An asteroid wipes out the dinosaurs and gives mammals and humans an                       environment to survive and flourish in.  

A war gives the Israelites a home.

A nation develops a process to crucify Jesus.

Continuous manipulations of supernova and nebula finally results in an elemental makeup that can produce life, as God wants it.

An intellect is created that gives a consciousness to humans.  That intellect allows awareness of God and dominion over the world.  Consciousness is superior intellect, exemplified by God’s ultimate creation, us.

Would if there are many other Gods.  Not for us because we are told to worship the “one” God, our creator.  In God’s realm, the kingdom of Heaven, we get a picture of an existence entirely beyond our reality.  Our imagination can envision other God-like entities in this kingdom.  The Bible is not clear on this point.  Specifically God, the Father, and Jesus, the Son of God, are described as our “Lord”.    

Would if God is something way beyond our ability to comprehend.  Are there dimensions invisible to us, like the spiritual realm the Bible describes, but more?  What could be the design of pure intellect and power?  Could we just happen to be in the one of the trillions and trillions of universes that have a God (like the “anything is possible multiverse”)?  Our brain is too limited to even begin to understand reality and truth. 

Looking at the grandeur of what is around us, do we think way too highly of ourselves?  The Savant Syndrome infers unbelievable potential of our brain.  The geniuses in human history make normalcy a meek, humble perspective on Man’s intellectual potential.  The vast physiology of the brain displays an unfantomable complexity.   Still we comprehend little and have more questions than answers.  How much we don’t know should humble us.  Maybe the brain isn’t a key to intelligence?  


Getting outside the box is more than speculations of data and evidence.  The mind builds “worlds” for you that are wishes and fantasies.  They can be alternate realities,  wild dreams, or visions of wished for truths.  While I am surrounded by unknown, seemingly  “impossibles”,  I persevere by “possibilities”.  A world can be speculated that is an accumulation of many speculative insights that together create a separate reality.  Mystery and questions are answered by assumptions that can bring hope of better solutions for the many “I don’t knows” of science and the Bible.  It is a world of my imagination.

Life and the design of Man is only explainable by speculations.  The mystery is so vast that even human intellect falls short of comprehension.  Putting God as the source is just a start to “outside the box”.  What our minds can grasp with progressing data are a beginning of a possible ability to “see” the truth and magnitude of God through His creation.  To believe in God is a start.  To let your mind fill in questions is a fearful process that hinders “outside the box” thoughts.  However, as fearful as it is to think of possibilities in relationship to God,  it is the freedom I am giving myself.

One speculation involves Man’s relationship to God.


INTENT?    Everything is created by God for me (Man).

I am like no other.  God does not act randomly.  Matter and elements were  created in precise abundance’s and ratios so I can exist.  The occurrences of cosmic events were not natural, but purposeful plans of creation. To make a perfect home for me, trillions, upon trillions of planets were created so my one perfect Earth would exist.  Nature provided weather, volcanoes, meteors, extinctions (mass and otherwise), etc. to accommodate specific speciation leading to me.  It was not accidental, lucky, coincidental, or fortunate that complex factors, like DNA,  persisted with the versatility and viability to survive the environmental stress necessary for life and me.  The control and balance of nature is so incredible and incomprehensively broad that it cannot be duplicated, which is what makes everything so valuable.  Life is unique and specific to our world.  The tools that were implemented and designed for us are not natural.  We are the product of an evolving, designed creation, not evolution.  God made it so,  which adds to our specialness.

God is alive, existing in some form, someplace, with control and cognition beyond our imagination.  What we “see”, understand, and believe in our physical existence infers a God of such power that even the Bible may fall short of reality.  Who can create a Big Bang and envision a Man as a product on the other end?  How can God make this happen?  The complex manipulations necessary for us is a testimony to the magnitude of God’s power.  An abbreviated list of some of these manipulations defining existence are as follows:

A singularity (?) formed and expanded that creates everything.  Space, time, matter, light, suns, galaxies, etc., are brought into being for a cosmos. 

Timely processes, events, and nature establish the conditions for Man.

Life, functionally programmed by DNA, is somehow developed on our specially formed planet.

Many forms of life come and go throughout the history of Earth, leading to the pinnacle of creation, us.

Human consciousness leads us to revelation of the specialness and purpose of our life.

God made me alive and conscious.  I am the pinnacle of design.  I am created unique and with autonomy.  I am a privileged person.  Above all other life as I know it, I am superior.  I reason and discern.  I am curious and seek.  I read and study.  I am created to be able to marvel and believe in God.  I am the artistic, animated product of genius

SPIRITUAL WORLD?  God has a plan for me.

God created a physical world,  but lives in an invisible spiritual world.  Our soul represents the unity we have with God, made in His image.  The soul is an eternal part of us.  It is devoid of material needs.  We live in a practical physical world, but find eternity in an abstract spiritual world.  We are a finite speck in the physical world,  but are given the privilege of the spiritual existence that is infinite and omnipresent.  Our temporary physical life pales in comparison with the promise of our eternal spiritual rebirth after death.  While we are wrapped up with what we “see”,  the relevance of life is in joining God in His world.  In a spiritual state we can be infinite and with God.  

I see incomprehensibly “where” and “who” I am.  The rest of me is defined by my Creator.  God made me so special as to be beyond His physical creation.  It is the essence of the purpose to my life.  The meaning to life is to “find” a truth to my reality within the brief, limited span of my physical existence, before death.  The Bible reveals a plan offering me the opportunity to be with Him through my belief in His son, Jesus.  I can believe in spite of my human, physical predispositions.  Maybe, only with His help.  Belief in a non proven spiritual world is a concession to reason.  Spirituality is enforced in a mind that God has made open to believe.  God leads us through the pitfalls of indecision,  inability to commit,  doubts,  fear, insecurities, contradictory influences,  and temptations to a place where the Holy Spirit can work in us.  It is our soul and God’s Spirit that bring us to Christianity.

DESTINY?  I am responsible for myself.

God gave me my brain.  It is a gift.  With this brain, Man decides his destiny.  We are given the free will to chose.  Left to ourselves, we cannot get beyond ourselves.  We fail to meet God’s criteria of righteousness.  Our human nature fails.  God intervenes and gives us opportunity to find Him, in spite of ourselves.  The door is open for us to walk through,  but we must take the step.     Righteousness is obtain through belief in Jesus as the Son of God.  We must walk the narrow path.  God will help.

My will can be freely given as surrender to God’s Lordship.  The brain within me gives me the capability to reason, discern, and chose.  It is how God made me.  I have been given autonomy within the limits of my intellect.  

God reveals a moral compass.  Disobedience to God is sin.  Sin is punishable by death.  God sets the rules and demands obedience and faith.  


I have been told that expressing my thoughts as “outside the box” could be dangerous.  Speculations that are not wholly Biblical can be heresy to some who study the Bible and have set, stringent feelings about the Word of God.  The Bible is the foundation of my Faith but it does leave me with a multitude of questions.  I think that I can easily maintain my belief and still address the “I don’t know” or “understand” the many mysteries of God.  It is the very mystery of God that leads my attempts to speculate.  As “The heavens proclaim the glory of God” and “Man is without excuse”, I feel that God is much more that even the Bible describes.  

God gave me a brain, and to not use it is problematic to me.  I think that the “surrender” that the Bible demands is not of intellect, but of the arrogance (folly) of Man.  I seek, read, and study to alleviate my innate curiosity.  I find that my journey to “find” (knock) answers was revealed in the truth of Jesus.

I wonder about who and why I am.  I have been writing my thoughts since 24 years old.  For some reason, I have always had a passion for science and have actively pursued answers to my Christianity.  “Outside the Box” is an attempt to see where my ideas lead, if I have ideas, and can I effectively write them.  It is a work in progress that I don’t know where it will lead.

I am secure with my Christian faith and understand it as a gift from God.  My wild speculations are not to promote advocacy.  There are certainly enough Christians with various “ideas” from their studies.  Also, I don’t think anyone will read my writings, but even so, I feel compelled to write, and pray for God’s guidance.  I am now 78 years old and hope my life has purpose for God.  I know my thoughts are controversial, but I hope it can be a good thing to try to see God in such a wondrous way.
