Saturday, October 16, 2021


Chaos weakens the process of the mind and constant turmoil clouds rationality. The persistent march of time makes the stage we act on a vanity. We are a finite microcosm in an evolution made static by our shortness of life. The realities of the human condition forces us to practicality and a sustained substandard existence. Survival wearies the tired spirit. We persevere but are spoiled by the unpleasantness of our environment. Rules and laws, meant to protect us from the lowest standards of Man, become our standards to live by. Our life seems to have no sanctuaries and our futility is only rescued by mindless apathy. Our wisdom is confused by the overwhelming scope of human knowledge, and yet we struggle to understand and hope to learn. Beauty and heroism surround us, but unrecognized, we are left searching and yearning rescue. This is the state our frustrations leave us with.

The enlightenment of Man is conquest of frustration. We overcome the darkness by our beliefs and hopes. We conquer death by living the moment. We vanquish defeat by principled courage and face our enemies with mindful optimism. Our salvation comes with searching out and living ideals and incorporating them into our character. Ignorance and reality crushes, but the spirit of Man soars with higher standards of value. The richness of righteousness lifts us to reach for the beauty and heroism we did not see and our struggles with justice and truth become the promise of our humanity.


There exist affairs of the mind and affairs of the heart. The mind acts to set the plan- to decide- to survive- to put into motion- to react. The heart is passive- it is response.

A person should try to understand the affairs of the heart. It exist as a function of who that person is. A person is defined by his ability to recognize the affairs of the heart- to be open- to be honest-to handle the things he carries inside him. When the heart, with it's feelings, needs and desires become inconvenient and conflict with the practicality of the mind, that is when the character of the person is fundamental to his processing. The way he maintains balance is critical.

The measure of a person is often seen in how he handles himself in situations of conflicts of the heart. How does he balance integrity, responsibility and fairness with needs and desires.

The mind always leads you in directions of what you should do. The correct, best action. The direction of the heart results in honest action without ulterior motive or hidden agenda.

The Measure of LOVE

Words are limited and their message speaks to the moment.
Actions can convey purpose and intent, but are not conclusive and are subject to insensitivity and misinterpretation.
Gifts are definable by the relative pertinence of cost, but lack personal intimacy.
A more accurate measure of love is the CONSISTENCY of words, actions and gifts over TIME.

Risk is such an admirable quality. Not the kinds of risk that border on stupidity, but the risks and daring to seek out life and it's abundance. The safe way leads to the well traveled, known paths.

Their is a word "Empathy". It is interesting because it conveys a character trait. It is not something a person can generate easily. It is something that is a reflection of the character of a person. The capacity, the ability, the willingness, the effort to generate "empathy", lies in the existence of those feelings within that person. It's existence is a fact only in the individual capable of creating it.

The nature of a person is a product of many factors. A person is not born kind- he becomes kind. A person becomes who he is. Empathy does not exist in the person who is so self-centered and self-absorbed he could never get inside another's feelings. On the other hand, empathy is a beautiful and productive trait to the individual who is kind, generous and sensitive.

There are some very interesting factors to the concept of empathy. It puts a person in a very vulnerable position to reach out to another's pain. It cries out against instincts of self survival and well-being. It contradicts the practicality of taking care of yourself. From this fact it is apparent that one of the conditions to becoming a person with empathy is becoming a person with enough courage and self confidence to be able to sacrifice. To be invulnerable enough to allow yourself to be vulnerable. To have confidence inside yourself, of yourself.
Synonymous with empathy is "caring. The naturalness of the caring person is again a product of becoming. Do we naturally care, or do we learn to care?

There are forces that drive a person. They come from many sources and carry powers to control and direct a person's life. The power within a person to be in control of himself is predicated by his energy, courage, and strength to assert himself against opposing forces. To overcome, in spite of.

To see the person:
fighting, opposing, asserting against the flow, A rebel without selling out, decisive, purposeful, taking risk. The courage to face life, accepting who you are. Taking care of agenda important to you. Expending enormous energy.

Courage is one of the most beautiful components of Man. The risk in spite of possible failure. Conquest of fear. Self assurance, self esteem.

In between a man's reality and fantasy lies his true nature. Strangely, it is not what he is, as perceived and conditioned by his real world around him, or even what he wishes to be in an imagined non-real world. His nature is really a product of abstract ideas and the extent of his abilities to incorporate them into his persona. Herein lies the foundations of his actions, whether in the real practical world, or the perceived fantasy world, or various mixtures of both that exist around him.

We have words for a dreamer- "out of touch with reality", "head in the clouds", "in wonderland"
And for the realist- "shortsighted, Narrow-minded","Lacks vision", "feet on the ground".
The problem is that neither of these describe what a man really is. This way to look at a person with neither "his feet on the ground" or "head in the clouds", acknowledges that the factor to identify what a person is may not be under what is seen, said, heard, or dreamed, but what underlies his actions, his principle, his character.

The real world is full of fallacies, lies, poor perceptions, and deceptions, and is never is seems to be. The fantasy world is also full of fanciful dreams, wishes and non-truths. It really does not exist. Taking these concepts to the identity of a person is similar to the real and fantasy worlds. The person is NOT either of these concepts- real and fantasy. It follows then, to look into the true nature of a person or even yourself, the place to look is not in these directions. Where then lies the way to find the true nature of yourself or another? Actions are deceptive- they are often inconsistent and ambiguous. I would not wish to be judged by my actions. My actions fail me. Also, many times I am restricted to inaction. I would not wish to be judged by my inactions. As I battle myself, I realize the realities as seen by my actions is not who I really am. I do not believe anyone does "everything" they want to or should, nor, does not do everything they wantto or should not.

In the same way the fantasy explanations and perceptions one conjures up about actions and thoughts is so and unreal that it is foolish to let yourself get carried away with wishful mockeries.
I wish I was the fantastic person I want to be, and can try to be, but I know these concepts and beliefs of myself are not true, just wishful. I would not believe the grandiose nature of another and know that these things are not me either.

The concepts that makeup a person are the key to who he is. The nature of that person is best defined by his ability to live up to or incorporate these concepts. (Concepts=principles, philosophies, abstract beliefs, ethics, integrity, etc.). Realities are failures. Fantasies are frivolous ventures. The beauty in character is the ability of the person to be who he is conceptually.


I am born to a time and place that becomes the beginnings of who I am. It is a finite part of infinity, marked with such short duration in the scheme of all history, but defined by all that came before. I am taught all the rules of my time and learn the game of survival. I am not only the pawn of when, but the product of where and what. My life will evolve from this start and be well defined before I ever start knowing, or wondering, who I am. All learning, maturation, ideas, and dreams are controlled by the time and place I was born to. It is only in the individuality that I assert in my life, that I can ever be more than the recipient of the things I was born to and the chances of opportunity within that life. My fate is not sealed and I am not without my free will.

History is a great teacher. The present is no more then evolving History. Within History is stored all the lessons, knowledge and education of Mankind. The present state of humanity is the sum total of lessons learned and forgotten, technology used and abused, and the ever growing complexity of religions, mores, societies and cultures, jumbled together to make a world. Into that PRESENT is thrown the individual, the newborn, to learn, to be taught, to a lesser or higher degree.

Your best memories are not of the times you were sensible, and "safe" can be the path of the coward. Tis why regrets are often the things you don't do, rather than what you did badly?

Do not fail to notice the beauty that is life.

Of all of the senses to hone- sensitivity is the best.

All those beautiful stories nobody heard.

Opportunity does not always knock, sometimes it just whispers in your ear.

Good is better than evil. To accept this can set the stage for your life.

Strive to be the best you can be.

Don't let life pass you by- be aware of life around you- see beauty- stay in touch with your environment.

Don't let things get you down/ be cheerful/ be optimistic
Be sensitive to others/ hear their story/ be just/ be kind.

Don't take things for granted/ be thankful.

Conquer fear/ be brave/ be strong/ don't give up

Worship God/ recognize creation/ see the power and authority of God/ Be prayerful/ study/ be aware of the spirit.

Can I take my mind and soar to new heights, do something, be something- new, better?

Am I only a product of influences in my life? Can I not create and be different?

Are generations after generations always the same and individuality non-existent?

This I know- that my last breathe and this breathe and the breathes to follow were all a different times. An the time to come is not the same- it can be created and is unique.

I change with time- with each heartbeat and breathe and blink of an eye. I age- I tire- I think an evolve
The limits of my body are much more finite than my mind. That is free and bound only by the limits my intellect put on it. The freedom of the mind is the door to creating, not in reality but in fantasy.

Do not run from reality- face your truths- conquer your fear- that is the noble way.

It is not the unasked for adversity that is the problem- it's existence is an unfortunate reality.
But the strength inside you to standup to this reality and squarely defeat it is the noble way.

Nobility is comprised of your tools inside you that hold you together in battle.

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