Saturday, October 16, 2021


Not dated but before 2008.  I think written while in my car at a lunch break.

There is something wonderful here——-

 I am surrounded by something,  what is it?

Why does it not jump out at me and proclaim it’s presence?

I can reach within and feel the nearness of God.  He says “open up, free yourself, let yourself loose from your petty concerns”.

I’m missing the boat.  I’m caught up in myself and my world.  I can’t get free.  I need HELP.

And God says, “You’re fine.  You don’t need anything.  I gave you what you need.  It’s inside you.  It’s there”.

“Look at the beauty of my world and the beauty of my creation, even you.  You are surrounded by it and are a part of it”.

Life is a mystery.  Full of wonderment and unsolved questions.  Perhaps one of the foolishnesses of Man is to believe we have the capability to understand the true nature of things.  But we try, and our human knowledge base increases.  I think that the net results of this “Intellect” is to help us truly understand and appreciate the complexity and genius of our creator.  

To be alive and think is to know the miracle of life and feel blessed by this gift.  It is given to us to totally understand or comprehend the nature of being.  We may have the ability and tools to learn to appreciate and define how awesome the things we are given truly are.

When given something of great beauty, why is it our nature to take it apart and try to understand what makes it tick, rather than to accept and reflect on the incredible act of generosity in the giving?  We may have missed the boat.

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