Saturday, October 16, 2021

                          Living by PRINCIPLE

I was 14 years old when I laid the foundations of a philosophy of life. I remember the moment well.

I lay on my back, in the cool grass, beneath a giant elm, it’s leaves dancing from a gentle breeze.  Rays of golden sun stream down through the branches and leaves, sending bright beam of light through them.  The leaves shine and come alive with vibrant colors.  Above the tree, bellows of  clouds slowly move across a deep blue sky, creating a panoramic living picture. 
In the wonderment of the majestic beauty in my vision, I ponder the mystery of my existence.

A profound thought plants itself in my consciousness.

This will define me.  This will be the focus that helps create who I am.  Principles will be a priority in my life.

The individual survives by practical reality.  You cannot get away from the time tested “rules and laws”, established  by societies and legal systems to regulate behaviors for the good of all.  They are the reality the individual must comply with to be comfortable and acceptable in society. Society judges, enforces, and rewards practical behavior. To exist in society, the rules and laws must be followed.  LIFE necessitates conformity.

Principles are standards of thought and behavior that have moral and ethical roots.  They are decisions based on “rightness”. They are pure and idealistic.  They are not easy to live and can be counterproductive to a comfortable life. Principles are abstract ideas that are controlled by the conscience and integrity of the individual. Their reward is within a person; self-satisfaction, self-esteem. 

The need to conform is so compelling that it is difficult to live a life that focuses on abstract principles.  The personal challenge is:

     To establish sound principles 
    To make principles a foundation of my character.    .
        To require a standard of righteousness as a foundation of principle.
            To stay focused on my purpose and personal conviction
                To have courage and perseverance
                    To be willing to pay the cost of a life of principle   

     A measure of the beauty within me is my ability to live up to the principles that lie at the core
     of my identity.  

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